Good course. Very fast progress without any prior Python knowledge.
Daniel Fuchs, GIGATRONIK Ingolstadt GmbH,, about the German version of the course "Python for Programmers"
Mike is a great professor. He has an amazing knowledge of Python. It has been a pleasure to be his student for 3 days!
David Doblas, about the course "Python for Scientists and Engineers"
[The trainer] knows well what scientists need, so his hints are very practical and valuable. The hands-on course [..] covers a wide range of examples and will be very helpful in my daily work. ..
Dorota Jarecka, University of Warsaw, Poland , about the course "Python for Scientists and Engineers"
Good course. Very competent trainer for this introduction. The course offers wide spectrum of topics and goes into depth were participants need it most.
Helmut Dittrich, CEO DiFis-Engineering UG,,, about the German introduction to Django "Einstieg in Django"
Course curriculum and delivery absolutely goal-oriented very understandable. Highly recommended!!!
Ralf Dörksen, Sangross, about the course "Introduction to Django"
I can absolutely recommend this course to everybody who wants to become productive with Python very quickly. ...
Dr. med. Beat Meister, Bern, Switzerland,
Very good course, excellent content. Does require a strong python background which I lacked so perhaps my experience was not typical. Still I learned a very great deal.
Keith Bord, Oracle, about the course "Advanced Python"
Very nice course, got many useful suggestions.
Dr.-Ing. Ralf Wieland, Institut für Landschaftssystemanalyse, Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e.V., about the German version of the course "Python for Scientists and Engineers"
I really liked the training. It matched the expectations of a student. This training is amazing.
Deepti, about the tutorial "Iterators, Generators and Decorators at EuroPython 2014"
Mike is an outstanding teacher ... I will look for his classes in the future.
Jennifer Trasti, Software/Systems Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA,
The course "Python for Scientists and Engineers" is a very useful introduction to Python programming for scientific applications ...
Dr. Mihai Duta, Oxford Supercomputing Centre, UK,
The Python Summer Course was a very good opportunity to know almost all about Python. ... Highly recommended!!
Dr. Fabio Lamanna, Complex Transportation Networks, Trieste, Italy,
A useful and quite comprehensive introduction to Python.
Emil Simon, Researcher, about the course "Python for Scientists and Engineers"
Very crisp and precise knowledge of the subject /content. Very good and highly recommended for all Python beginners.
Dicken George System Development Engineer, Soitec Solar GmbH, about the course "Python for Programmers and Python for Scientists and Engineers"
I really liked the course since it offered a lot of information in a structured way. I especially found it helpful to see the different techniques "in action".
Alexander Bittner, gocept GmbH & Co. KG, about the course "Python for Programmers"